NSS - North Safety Systems - är samlingsnamnet för våra säkerhetsfunktioner.
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NSS - North Safety Systems - är samlingsnamnet för våra säkerhetsfunktioner.
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All the products from North Trampoline are fulfilling the European General Product safety directive 2001/95/EC and the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC and its harmonized standards. North Trampoline also complies with the legislation regarding usage of chemical substances described in REACH No 1907/2006 and its subsequent amendments, the EU regulatory framework for chemicals.
We contribute to safer products / trampolines by participating in writing and developing new safety standards in the Swedish and European markets. Our technical experts participate in technical committees in Sweden and Europe. As a company, we are a member of the Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS) and also contribute technical expertise into the European standardization organization, CEN (European Committee for standardization).